Shift by Peter Arnell


In his book Shift, the genius Peter Arnell says:

When you try to hide the truth about who you are and what you hope to be, or what you are facing, you’re hiding it to yourself. There has to be a better way to deal with problems and issues honestly and simply than sheepishly “admitting” to them. If you want to change your life, the last thing you need to be is apologetic … Too often we let shyness or caution or fear hold us down … We all feel an impulse sometimes to hide. We want the world to go away. The lesson is that a drastic life change does not necessarily mean you have to lose the parts of yourself that you like or that define you or your style. Acknowledge problems and issues.  Acknowledging is proactive and positive. Get it out there, in public, and get on with what you want to do. Keeping secrets is exhausting. You need to move forward … Your photo, your opinions, your tone, and your style all speak to your brand. Blogging allows personal brand expression, a way to elevate yourself from individual to institution. It goes beyond style to substance…

I made a drastic life change, but I embraced Shift in the meantime. I highly recommend this book.
