Gogobot NYC launches its first GO and TELL event

This year started big for the travel industry: new exotic destinations to be seen, the New York Times Travel Show and an unbelievable boost in travel apps. To top it all off, last Wednesday, January 30th, the social media network for travelers, Gogobot, launched its first “GO-and-TELL” at Culturefix in New York City.

Gogobot NYC GO and Tell Launch

As a proud Pro 2013 and future Gogobot blogger, I had the pleasure to attend and meet other travel fanatics like myself. The inaugural campaign GO-and-TELL featured Billy Zeb Smith, which presented the audience with a teaser of his documentary: Where The Road Ends. A passionate humanitarian, avid explorer and documentarian aiming to preserve indigenous cultures, he discussed his efforts to preserve the Darién region in Panama, and some of the challenges that have to be addressed.

Darien region Panama

Photos courtesy of www.WheretheRoadEndsFilm.com

More about the Darién region and what makes it unique:

The Darién is home to three unique tribes of indigenous people: the Emberá, the Kuna, and the Wounaan. With the absence of roads, things like television and the Internet haven’t had the capability to impact their communities, allowing them to sustain the same types of lifestyles they have for millennia. This lack of impact hasn’t just benefited the local people: with the largest population of jaguars outside of the Amazon, along with an unrecorded amount of reptiles, fish, amphibians, bugs, over a thousand species of birds, and a constantly growing encyclopedia of plants and trees, the Darién is as vital an ecological zone as any on the planet, and the last of its kind in all of North America. The fact that it acts as a corridor between the North and South American continents only magnifies its importance. For more info and to place donations, visit http://www.wheretheroadendsfilm.com/

Gogobot NYC GO and TELL LaunchGogobot Launch CulturefixWith Jennifer Layne Cardon, Gogobot NYC's Community Manager

With Jennifer Layne Cardon, Gogobot NYC’s Community Manager

Documentarian Billy Zeb Smith discussing his Where The Road Ends film and its challengesWhere The Road Ends Film teaserWhere The Road Ends Film presentation

Documentarian Billy Zeb Smith discussing his Where The Road Ends film and its challenges


Gogobot NYC Culturefix

Photo courtesy of Cait Oppermann from Red Tread Studio

Join the Gogobot community for next month’s GO-and-TELL event, for a fun night of drinks and snacks, and some travel inspiration.
