The choice is yours. A new journey awaits …


I owe you some updates, dear friends! I haven’t fallen off the face of the Earth; instead I’ve been unexpectedly busy, planning some thrilling next few months. While I can’t reveal everything just yet, here’s a preview of what kept me hush, hush for the last few weeks, as you can read in my July newsletter.

I’m pressing pause on my current life in New York City, to pursue some incredible travel & work opportunities. Often times, a decision such as this one quickly involves turning your life upside down at a month’s notice. Which is what I did.


[Photo Credit: 1000 Heads for Skype, Location: CastleBraid]

This Saturday was my last day at CastleBraid, at least for some many months. I’ve booked my first one-way ticket. First stop: West Coast. Next one? Stay tuned…



[July newsletter]


I went to the 9/11 Memorial Museum this Monday. I picked up a phone and listened to a man’s recorded farewell message to his wife. He told her how much he loved her and that he wishes her to be happy and to live a great life. Four hours later, I left the museum feeling quite depressed, his voice engrained in my head.

The powerful lesson that I learnt, or better said, that was reinforced, was to live the life I want to live. As idealistic as that may sound, it’s easier than you think.

There is really no point in spending another miserable day at a job you hate, or surrounded by people whose company you don’t enjoy. Or maybe there is, for now; but there is also choice. Your choice, from the most basic needs, to the most complex, determines the outcome of every day. Choice is not enough though; you need patience, will power, and the strength to make things happen. Often times, that comes in the form of sacrifice, hard work and unwavering faith. Soon enough, you’ll visualize the life you want to live, and start living it.

So before that fateful day may arrive, as it did for the 9/11 victims, and horrifically so, for yesterday’s MH17 lost souls perished in Ukraine, you have a choice.

That’s what I strived to do on my 28th year, leading to my birthday last month. I sought out to eliminate all that was toxic in my life and take a leap of faith. Not long after,everything I had wanted to happen, happened. I entered into a racing wheel of change and constant momentum that has yet to stop.

This leads me to my recent decision to leave New York City for a few months. I realized I need to take a step back, explore new horizons and spend time with my family, away from the city. I’m taking a new leap of faith. So, for the past few weeks, I’ve been planning my next few months: an extensive road trip through the West Coast, a visit to France, some down-time in Romania, and a big surprise to be announced soon! I’m not waiting for things to happen, I’m making them happen! Are you? 

Read the rest of my newsletter, or sign up here to receive fresh updates.

