As Sandy takes over, New York closes for business

That’s something you don’t hear every day. I don’t know about your Halloween weekend, but mine has certainly brought upon a genuine creepy experience in the form of hurricane Sandy. As New Yorkers prepare for lockdown and intensified winds, Frakenstorm has started to show its teeth. Expected to hit NYC by 8pm this Monday evening, the unwanted Sandy has already inflicted more damage than last year’s hurricane, Irene.

via source.

For the second time in history, the MTA has completely shut down, and residents in zone A, closest to the water, were evacuated. The New York Stock Exchange also closed due to the weather, for the first time in 27 years.

In consequence, there are no open Starbucks, no delivery boys, no open delis, nothing. The only activity is cars and ambulances patrolling. New York looks completely stripped, bracing for the worst.

While New Yorkers’ sense of humor remains standing, the biggest concerns that come with winds in excess of 90 miles per hour are power outages, heavy floodings and broken windows. I for one am not excited at the possibility of waiting it out indoor, without electricity, Wi-Fi or cable. This is a shot I took last evening, from my rooftop, after I had waited about an hour in line at the supermarket.

What has already caused 66 deaths across the Caribbean and has left 67,000 people already without power is not to be taken carelessly. About 50 million people from the Mid-Atlantic to Canada are in the path of the 1,000-mile-wide monster, while more than 7000 flights have been cancelled into and out of the northeast. Sandy’s stay is predicted for 36 hours, compared to 12 from Irene’s last year.

As I double-check my hurricane arsenal, I suggest you have a glass of wine and try to relax. Oh, and … take advantage of the Internet and cable while you still can …

Be safe, everyone!
